Waterfall Arena Batöni

The Waterfall Arena Batöni in the Weisstannen valley is truly a special place. It belongs to the Heidiland. Lavtinabach, Piltschinabach, Sässbach, Muttenbach and Guetentalbach: all these streams converge here in the Batöni basin at 1536 meters in the UNESCO World Heritage Tectonic Arena Sardona. Not only the sight is overwhelming, they say the energies released are seemingly high and uplifting. In esoteric circles, the Batöni waterfall arena is one of 55 Places of Power throughout the Heidiland holiday region, documented in collaboration with the Swiss Research Centre for Places of Power. The easiest way to access the waterfall arena is from Weisstannen. Follow the stream up to the the beginning of the hike. The trail goes through a forest steeply uphill. The first 30-40 minutes are the hardest. After that the terrain flattens and you will be rewarded with beautiful views. The trail continues through lots of rubble, which shows the roughness of the valley. The river bed of the Gufelbach accompanies you and you'll pass the water reservoir Gufelbach, which leads the water of the waterfall arena through pressure tunnels to the Gigerwald reservoir. After that you'll soon reach the waterfall arena. There are three waterfalls (Piltschinabach, Sässbach and Muttenbach), rushing over the steep cliffs, transforming the Batöni basin into a natural spectacle.

Starting Location: Weisstannen, St. Gallen
Ending Location: Weisstannen, St. Gallen
Difficulty: T2 (mountaineering trail) details
Distance: 9 km
Ascent ▲ : 530 m
Descent ▼ : 530 m
Average Duration: 3.5 hour(s)
Submitted by Nathalie
User's reviews:

Rated: 5 stars

I loved this hike and the destination with the three waterfalls is absolutely beautiful. Highly recommend!

by Nathalie